Thursday, March 21, 2019

Life and living, then and now

Glory of the Morning.  A new phase for this blog.  I am ever amazed how GOM blazed her own path.  Despite being steeped in tradition, she married Joseph, had children, was a Chieftess, and lived to be 120.  She lived to see so many changes, many harmful to her people.  I remember my Choka, when he was praying, he was 94, and he said his prayer in English at first and caught himself and began again in Ho-Chunk.  He said that he was happy that he was living...I will never forget that. All he talked about was dying and going to be with Gram again, yet in his prayers he thanked HF for living. 

GOM, my Choka and Gram had the courage to live their lives.  It is what it takes to live our lives in this day.  So much hate and division.  Not unlike the French Regime and then the English Regime for GOM.  We adapted then and must do the same today. Grateful for her courage.  Grateful that she cared for her people and her family.

I finished my book about GOM.  I need to start sending it out to publishers.  I sent it to the WHS, but never heard back from Dr. Edmonds.  I told him he could have the first look at it.  Perhaps he was sad that it was not a piece of non fiction.  There were too many things that called to me to make it fiction.  Gordon Thunder said that it should be so, and I followed his counsel.  It's what you do when you ask an Elder for advice.  I am happy with it.  Glad to have written about GOM and her life.