Saturday, April 6, 2019

Beginning a new phase for GOM.  Sent my story/book  to the Minnesota Historical Society.  They will review in and get back to me in 6 weeks.  Very semi-exciting.

She was the first Ho-Chunk woman mentioned in writing at the WHS. 

In my query letter, I said that the WHS was a champion of GOM.  It's true and they are.  They are also very cognizant of our Ho-Chunk history.

On the downside, someone, with the last name of Smith, changed my ancestry on Family Search.  They complete took Glory of the Morning out of my family tree.  How dare they!  This person, undoubtedly NOT a DeCora or a descendant called her Mrs. Decarrie.  The nerve!  Family Search was NOT helpful at all.  They said I had to work it out with her.  What!!!??? I have spent YEARS doing my family history and someone named Smith changed it all.  They took out Joseph and Glory of the Morning's children, his parents, and her father.  This was more than I could bear.  I refuse to use Family Search again.  Such a facade!  I have to search for a new genealogy site to keep my records.   I know why Kathleen Schell said to watch what I put out there on the web regarding my family tree.  I didn't know anyone can go into Family Search and change MY family tree.  NEVER again!!!

Glory of the Morning was Joseph's wife, in Indian custom, pure and simple.  They did not need a minister, pastor or priest.  They were wed through Mauna and our sacred ceremonies.  Tired of the colonizers controlling our history.  Idle no more!

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